Who We Are
A Dance Leader is any dance professional who is committed to contributing to a bigger vision for a thriving dance sector and empowering its communities to achieve more than they can on their own. Someone who uses dance to inspire others.
The Dance Leaders Group (DLG) steering group is currently made up of representatives from:

Orit Azaz

DLG also convene an advisory group that comprises independent professionals, representatives from funded organisations and young people (18yrs+) who bring specialist skills and expertise to drive DLG activity.
The network itself includes over 80 members from across the Midlands including from:
Representatives of large and small NPOS
Independent dance organisations
Freelance artists
Young people interested in exploring and pursuing a career in dance
Amandine Limtouch
Catherine Clisset
Charlotte Rogers
Daisy Dymond
Delphine Wise
Eloquent Praise Dance Company​
Emma Armstrong-Craddock
Emma Ford
Emma Morgan
Frankie Goodinson
Freya Davis
Hollie Johnston
Laura Danao
Lauren Jones
Lewis Gardner
Louise Katerega
Lorna Savage
Mark Mallabone
Megan Harris
Patricia Campbell
Paul Golz
Phebe Bland
Robert Hemming
Rosie Brownhill
Ruth Spencer
Samina Beckford
Sarah McVay
Sophie Thorpe
SPA Events
Stefania Catarinell
Steph Sandy
Sydney Illsley
Thomas OFlaherty
Yael Owen-McKenna
Sub-Regional Hubs
As a way to continue to develop strategic sub-regional infrastructure in between DLG summits, 7 hubs have been established to maximise collaboration. These hubs support deeper connectivity within the region, and advocate for a shared vision in order to build ambitious plans for the future.
The DLG Sub-regional Hubs Are:
Coventry and Warwickshire
Convened by Ascension Dance /Mercurial Dance
Black Country
Convened by Black Country Dance Hub
African & Afro-Caribbean Diaspora Hub
Project managed by Samina Beckford​​
Hereford and Worcestershire
Convened by Dancefest
Burton & East Staffordshire
Convened by Brewhouse Arts Centre
Stoke on Trent & North Staffordshire
Convened by FRONTLINEdance
W Mids South Asian Dance Network
Convened by SAMPAD